And you don’t want your site to sink into the abyss, do you? In this way I create a semantically correct relationship. On the contrary, by inserting links to non-themed external sites such as that of web agency footer sitewide link Be careful of ALL repeating links on pages. Some you’ll probably want to , while others can help you. When a link is repeated the watchword is always the same: maximum attention. The links in the menu have an edge. This type of link was created with the specific intent of providing direct access to the main pages that make up the website. This aspect in itself should help you understand how the weight of these pages is declared greater from the start. link in the menu Inserting a link in the menu means declaring a specific weight that is different from any other link on your site.
Structurally you need to think of those pages
As your main ranking Hong Kong Email List goals or alternatively as the gateway to your website’s main categories. Imagine for a second that you have a showcase site with a supporting blog. A correct solution would be to include your main positioning objective among the menu items. sitewide links: menu item At that point you could use the blog articles to create links to that page so as to transfer more and more power to it one article after another. site wide links as a positioning opportunity With this simple basic optimization you can guarantee the constant growth of your page on search engines, ensuring, among other things.
Better indexing of the site given the continuous in-out relationship
With the home page Turkish phone number database internal sitewide links to the menu . As you can see in the graph above, in the case of this showcase site. The application of this strategy took the site from zero to around 800 visits per month in just 3 months! NOTE: It goes without saying that in order to work best, sitewide link optimization requires a perfectly optimized on-page structure from an SEO perspective. Semantic context. Too often ignored, the semantic context determines that condition in which a link finds itself literally surrounded by words strongly correlated with the page receiving the link. In this case the proximity of semantically related words or context synonyms gives relevance and therefore power to the link. I’ll give you an example.