Here you are satisfied! the first paragraphs are “heavier” than the last ones in Google’s eyes Cite relevant people, things, or resources in the text Insert external links to resources of known value Do proper SEO optimization of images Make sure you use structured data well Use a good number of related keywords Make sure you make proper use of internal links.
Optimizing content is important from a positioning perspective
Find out more by Israel Email List reading these two insights of mine: 5+3 Tips for positioning your blog on search engines if you have little experience SEO Copywriting + 24 real tips to position your content on search engines None of these VITAL actions for the SEO of your website or blog are contemplated by most people who use Yoast. On the contrary, almost everyone thinks that to “do SEO” it is enough to install or use this at random. What else to add? As you may have understood, for me the point is not so much that this plugin doesn’t work.
On the contrary, I am convinced that Yoast works well
Only when used Uruguay Phone Number Database wisely – exactly what most people who use it lack. When we talk about SEO, however, we must never forget . That there are so many aspects to work on, other than traffic lights. Above all, you need to know that no plugin will ever be able to take the place of what really matters: the strategic planning of activities useful for positioning on search engines . Mistaking installing SEO By Yoast for doing SEO could divert your attention from the tasks that matter. Be careful and above all aim for the result.